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  • Coffin Wreath

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  • Flower pots / Flower Basket's

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  • Roses

    Roses (53)

  • Stand Wreath

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  • Thank You

    Thank You (107)

  • Ivory Majesty Bouque…


    Ivory Majesty Bouquet


    The “Ivory Majesty Bouquet” is a regal and awe-inspiring arrangement that commands attention with its grandeur and sophistication. Comprising an extravagant collection of 200 pristine white roses, this bouquet exudes an air of timeless elegance and majestic beauty.

    USD315.00USD350.00 Add to cart
  • Luxurious Love Bloss…


    Luxurious Love Blossom Basket


    The “Luxurious Love Blossom Basket” is an opulent expression of affection and adoration, featuring a stunning arrangement of 100 radiant red roses nestled within an exquisite cane basket. Each rose, meticulously selected for its beauty and freshness, symbolizes deep love and passion, making this bouquet an unforgettable declaration of devotion.

    USD275.00USD350.00 Add to cart
  • Cherry Crush MFB 136


    Cherry Crush


    Cherry Crush is a sumptuous bouquet featuring a dazzling array of deep crimson roses, meticulously curated for their vibrant hue and exquisite fragrance. Each bloom exudes a captivating allure, evoking feelings of passion and romance. Perfect for expressing love, admiration, or appreciation, Cherry Crush is an ideal gift for any special occasion. Let its rich colors and intoxicating scent ignite the senses and convey your heartfelt emotions with timeless elegance.

    USD225.00USD312.50 Add to cart
  • Ivory Elegance Bouqu…


    Ivory Elegance Bouquet


    The “Ivory Elegance Bouquet” is a breathtaking display of purity and sophistication, featuring a magnificent arrangement of 100 pristine white roses meticulously gathered and expertly arranged to evoke a sense of timeless elegance and grace.

    USD200.00USD225.00 Add to cart
  • Love’s Eleganc…


    Love’s Elegance Bouquet


    The “Love’s Elegance Bouquet” embodies grace, beauty, and heartfelt sentiment, offering a stunning display of 50 luscious red roses carefully arranged to convey deep affection and timeless elegance.

  • Peaceful Memories Ge…


    Peaceful Memories Gerbera Stand


    The “Peaceful Memories Gerbera Stand” offers a gentle and comforting tribute to honor the life of a cherished individual. This stand features a delicate array of multi-colored gerbera daisies, each petal representing a cherished memory and a moment shared. Amidst the vibrant gerberas, white and red roses intermingle, symbolizing purity, love, and respect. Assembled with care and reverence, this stand stands as a testament to the joy and brightness that the departed brought into the lives of those they touched. The diverse hues of the gerbera daisies reflect the varied facets of life, while their collective beauty reminds us of the unity found in shared memories. The “Peaceful Memories Gerbera Stand” serves as a beacon of solace, offering reassurance and tranquility to those in mourning, and celebrating the legacy of a life well-lived.

  • Fiery Love Bouquet


    Fiery Love Bouquet

    MFB 224

    Introducing our “Fiery Love Bouquet,” a breathtaking arrangement that ignites passion and romance with its stunning combination of 50 radiant red roses and delicate baby’s breath.

    Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, each bouquet exudes an aura of fiery love and intense emotion. The vibrant red roses, symbolizing deep love and desire, take center stage, their velvety petals and intoxicating fragrance captivating the senses. Interwoven among the roses, the delicate white blooms of baby’s breath add a touch of softness and elegance, creating a harmonious balance of passion and purity.

  • Scarlet Splendor Bou…


    Scarlet Splendor Bouquet


    Introducing our “Scarlet Splendor Bouquet,” a captivating arrangement designed to enchant with its vibrant display of 50 luxurious red roses and delicate baby’s breath.

    Embodying the essence of elegance and passion, each bouquet is a masterpiece crafted to ignite the senses and evoke feelings of admiration and romance. The velvety petals of the red roses, symbolizing love and desire, command attention with their rich hue and intoxicating fragrance, while the airy accents of baby’s breath add a touch of ethereal beauty, enhancing the bouquet’s allure.

  • Crimson Serenity Tri…


    Crimson Serenity Tribute Wreath


    The Crimson Serenity Tribute Wreath embodies a poignant blend of reverence and admiration, crafted to honor the cherished memories of a departed loved one. With a harmonious fusion of crimson and ivory roses, this wreath symbolizes the eternal bond of love and remembrance. Each velvety petal whispers stories of enduring affection and profound respect, offering solace and comfort to grieving hearts. Nestled amidst verdant foliage, the crimson roses stand as a vibrant testament to the life lived and the love shared. As a tribute wreath, it serves as a visual ode to the profound impact left by the departed, inspiring moments of serenity and reflection amidst the somber occasion. In its graceful arrangement, the Crimson Serenity Tribute Wreath encapsulates the beauty of cherished memories and the enduring legacy of love

  • Eternal Grace Chrysa…


    Eternal Grace Chrysanthemum Wreath


    The “Eternal Grace Chrysanthemum Wreath” is a poignant expression of everlasting love and remembrance, designed to convey heartfelt condolences and solace during difficult times. Crafted with precision and care, this wreath features pristine white chrysanthemum blooms meticulously arranged in a circular formation.

  • Crimson Bloom Garlan…


    Crimson Bloom Garland


    Introducing our exquisite Crimson Bloom Garland, a captivating ode to the timeless beauty of red roses. Each petal meticulously crafted to perfection, this garland embodies elegance and romance, making it an enchanting addition to any space.

  • MFB 233


    25 Roses

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