Ivory Elegance Bouquet MFB 229

USD200.00USD225.00 (-11%)

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for Colombo & Suburbs

Ivory Elegance Bouquet


The “Ivory Elegance Bouquet” is a breathtaking display of purity and sophistication, featuring a magnificent arrangement of 100 pristine white roses meticulously gathered and expertly arranged to evoke a sense of timeless elegance and grace.

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The “Ivory Elegance Bouquet” is a breathtaking display of purity and sophistication, featuring a magnificent arrangement of 100 pristine white roses meticulously gathered and expertly arranged to evoke a sense of timeless elegance and grace.

Each ivory-hued rose in this exquisite bouquet exudes a delicate beauty and serene charm, symbolizing purity, innocence, and heartfelt sincerity. The arrangement is a stunning testament to the understated elegance of white roses, creating a captivating focal point that draws the eye and stirs the soul.

Adorned with lush green foliage and perhaps accented with delicate filler flowers, the “Ivory Elegance Bouquet” exudes an aura of refinement and sophistication. Its classic beauty and understated charm make it a perfect gift for commemorating special occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, or moments when you want to convey your deepest emotions with grace and poise.

Whether presented to a cherished partner, a beloved family member, or a dear friend, the “Ivory Elegance Bouquet” is sure to leave a lasting impression. It is a symbol of purity, elegance, and enduring love, offering a timeless expression of admiration and appreciation that will be treasured for years to come.

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