• Autumn Glow Bouquet …

    Autumn Glow Bouquet


    Introducing the “Autumn Glow Bouquet,” a stunning arrangement that captures the warmth and splendor of the fall season. This exquisite bouquet combines the vibrant hues of Gerbera daisies and the rustic charm of chrysanthemums, creating a captivating display of autumnal beauty.

  • Fiery Love Posy MFB …


    Fiery Love Posy


    The “Fiery Love Posy” ignites passion and romance with its enchanting blend of eight vibrant red roses, carefully gathered and expertly arranged to captivate the heart. Symbolizing deep affection and intense desire, each velvety petal of the roses exudes warmth and ardor, creating a mesmerizing bouquet that speaks of unbridled love.

  • Sugar Rush Cupcakes …

    Brand:Cup Cakes

    Sugar Rush Cupcakes


    Introducing Sugar Rush Cupcakes’ delectable assortment of mini delights, now available in convenient packs of six! Satisfy your sweet cravings with our irresistible cupcakes, each perfectly portioned for a delightful treat anytime, anywhere.

  • Sweetheart’s R…

    Sweetheart’s Rose Chocolate Surprise


    The Sweetheart’s Rose Chocolate Surprise is a charming gift set that combines the delicate beauty of pink roses with the indulgence of gourmet chocolates, creating a delightful surprise for your loved one.

  • Sweetheart’s R…

    Sweetheart’s Red Bloom Chocolate Surprise


    The Sweetheart’s Red Bloom Chocolate Surprise is a captivating gift set that blends the beauty of red chrysanthemums and red roses with the decadence of gourmet chocolates, creating a memorable and enchanting surprise for your beloved.

  • Butter Cake

    Indulge in the pure delight of our freshly baked butter cake, a timeless classic that promises to satisfy your sweet cravings and elevate your taste buds to new heights.

    With its golden-brown exterior and irresistible aroma wafting through the air, our butter cake captivates from the first glance. Each slice reveals a tender crumb that melts effortlessly in your mouth, leaving behind a rich, buttery flavor that lingers on the palate.

    USD8.00USD15.75 Select options
  • Ocean Breeze Blooms …

    Ocean Breeze Blooms


    “Ocean Breeze Blooms” is a picturesque floral arrangement that captures the serene and refreshing essence of the seaside.

    Here’s a detailed description of this delightful product:

    • Floral Composition: The “Ocean Breeze Blooms” arrangement combines a variety of flowers reminiscent of the tranquil ocean and its surroundings. This includes beautiful Gerbera daisies in shades of blue and white, hydrangeas with their lush clusters of blooms, and blue Michaels flowers resembling the azure waves.

  • Gerbera & Chrys…

    Gerbera & Chrysanthemum Fusion


    Introducing our Gerbera & Chrysanthemum Fusion, a captivating floral arrangement that marries the vibrant allure of gerbera daisies with the timeless elegance of chrysanthemums. This fusion of two beloved blooms creates a symphony of colors and textures that is sure to enchant and delight.

    • Our guarantee is to make every effort to create our flower arrangements as
      pictured, however, in a rare event where a substitution is necessary due to
      seasonality and local flower or color availability, we promise that any
      substitutions will be of the same or higher value and that we always use the
      most freshest, most beautiful flowers available.

  • MFB 172

    Frish Flowers

  • Harmony in Bloom Bou…

    Harmony in Bloom Bouquet


    Introducing our “Harmony in Bloom Bouquet,” a captivating floral arrangement that celebrates the beauty of nature’s symphony. This exquisite bouquet combines the vibrant hues of gerbera daisies, the lush blooms of chrysanthemums, and the delicate elegance of hydrangeas, creating a harmonious blend of colors and textures that will delight the senses.

    • Our guarantee is to make every effort to create our flower arrangements as
      pictured, however, in a rare event where a substitution is necessary due to
      seasonality and local flower or color availability, we promise that any
      substitutions will be of the same or higher value and that we always use the
      most freshest, most beautiful flowers available.

  • Daisy Delight Posy M…

    Daisy Delight Posy


    Introducing the “Daisy Delight Posy,” a charming and cheerful arrangement that exudes the essence of happiness and joy. This delightful posy features a selection of vibrant Gerbera daisies in an array of colors, creating a visual spectacle reminiscent of a blooming meadow in springtime.

  • Sweet Romance Gift S…

    Sweet Romance Gift Set


    The Sweet Romance Gift Set is a charming and delightful offering that combines the timeless elegance of a single rose with the indulgent sweetness of chocolates. This thoughtfully curated set is designed to convey sentiments of love, affection, and romance in the most enchanting way.

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