Lemon Blossom Dream Bouquet MFB 242

LKR 9,150.00LKR 10,000.00 (-9%)

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for Colombo & Suburbs

Lemon Blossom Dream Bouquet


The “Lemon Blossom Dream Bouquet” is a captivating fusion of vibrant colors and delicate blooms, designed to evoke the essence of a sun-kissed garden in full bloom. This enchanting bouquet features a harmonious blend of cheerful yellow roses, soft pink roses, and radiant gerbera daisies, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of hues that exudes warmth and vitality.

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The “Lemon Blossom Dream Bouquet” is a captivating fusion of vibrant colors and delicate blooms, designed to evoke the essence of a sun-kissed garden in full bloom. This enchanting bouquet features a harmonious blend of cheerful yellow roses, soft pink roses, and radiant gerbera daisies, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of hues that exudes warmth and vitality.

Each blossom in this exquisite arrangement is hand-selected for its freshness, beauty, and vibrant color, ensuring a stunning display that captivates the senses and uplifts the spirit. The soft, lemony scent of the roses combined with the subtle sweetness of the gerbera daisies creates an intoxicating aroma that fills the air with a sense of joy and tranquility.

Adorned with lush green foliage and perhaps accented with delicate filler flowers, the “Lemon Blossom Dream Bouquet” is a true feast for the eyes, offering a visual symphony of color and texture. Whether presented as a gift to celebrate a special occasion or used to brighten up a room, this bouquet is sure to bring a smile to the face of anyone who receives it.

With its irresistible charm and enchanting beauty, the “Lemon Blossom Dream Bouquet” is a delightful expression of love, friendship, or gratitude. It is a symbol of optimism and new beginnings, inviting you to savor the simple joys of life and embrace the beauty that surrounds you.

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