Sweet Embrace Bouquet
LKR 5600.00
Sweet Embrace Bouquet
“Introducing our ‘Sweet Embrace Bouquet’, a heartfelt expression of love and warmth designed to make Mother’s Day unforgettable. This charming bouquet features delicate pink roses and cheerful gerberas, complemented by the adorable presence of a little teddy bear nestled among the blooms.
But that’s not all – to make this gift even more special, we’re including a complimentary mug, adding an extra touch of joy to Mom’s day. Adorned with a sweet design, the mug serves as a lasting reminder of your affection and appreciation.
Whether you’re celebrating your own mom, a mother figure, or a friend who embodies maternal love, the ‘Sweet Embrace Bouquet’ is sure to bring a smile to her face. Let this thoughtful gesture convey your love and appreciation in the most delightful way possible.”
“Introducing our ‘Sweet Embrace Bouquet’, a heartfelt expression of love and warmth designed to make Mother’s Day unforgettable. This charming bouquet features delicate pink roses and cheerful gerberas, complemented by the adorable presence of a little teddy bear nestled among the blooms.
But that’s not all – to make this gift even more special, we’re including a complimentary mug, adding an extra touch of joy to Mom’s day. Adorned with a sweet design, the mug serves as a lasting reminder of your affection and appreciation.
Whether you’re celebrating your own mom, a mother figure, or a friend who embodies maternal love, the ‘Sweet Embrace Bouquet’ is sure to bring a smile to her face. Let this thoughtful gesture convey your love and appreciation in the most delightful way possible.”
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